Tuesday, September 24, 2013

So, I'm tired of people trying to solve problems in a knee jerk manner. Many problems we face daily aren't simple enough to make a new law so the problem goes away. We already have too many laws. We need compassion.
Stricter gun laws won't fix the gun violence problem. Law abiding citizens will be more vulnerable and the nuts who do the shooting will have more opportunity. At least three mass shootings of late took place in gun free zones. The law didn't work for the law abiding citizen. Lots of laws to prohibit things. Heroin, speeding, DUI, music piracy, child porn, etc., etc. The law hasn't stopped those things. Tougher laws don't seem to help either. It's a much deeper problem than the law can solve. It's a matter of the heart. It's a lack of respect for life. And... in my opinion, that lack of respect for life has reached the womb. When an unborn child can be killed, or a "pregnancy terminated" as simply as it happens every day, I see an issue with respect for life. What about the mother and her rights? I'm pro-choice; before conception. It's pretty easy to get birth control. Abstinence is another option. Lot's of ways to keep from getting pregnant. It's a matter of dealing with the consequences of irresponsibility responsibly.
But, it seems taking responsibility is no longer in vogue. If someone or something else can be blamed, some folks jump at it. We've all done it. We've all tried to shift the blame. As we grow and mature, we should learn to fess up and take responsibility. It might be uncomfortable, embarrassing, or extremely inconvenient. That's life!
I could go on. And I probably will. I just want to get the ball rolling.
What say you??? Hmmmm??????????

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